A webinar from the comfort of your own home.

July 4th, 2023, 11 AM EST

(Replay available)

What You’ll Learn in This Webinar

Money is our birth right!

How we manage, deal or make more money should be taught in schools.

Unfortunately, it isn't!

And so, it is our responsibility to learn as adults all money stuff.

Some choose the hard way, and that's ok! I always loved the easy way in everything that I do. So I am going to share with you some nuggets of what helped me become financially independent.

What stands between you and money

Did you ever wonder how come that some people who work less than you or as much as you do, they seem to have more money and a better lifestyle?

Learn why is that happening and HOW to change it.

How you can change your path

The path you've had so far is not serving you anymore. it's time to choose a new path with love and confidence.


Shift your vibration

Money is energy!

We are energy!

You are energy!

When we vibrate at the energy of money, more will come into our lives, just like magic.


I feel GREAT, EMPOWERED, maybe the biggest shift so far. Thank you, Cornelia, for the support, pointing out, and holding my hand.

Mikayla Harrison - Life Coach

This has been so amazing! I feel READY TO CHARGE MORE!

Anna Morgan - designer

Why should you join this webinar

Make peace with your past

Sometimes we feel like we are carrying the whole world on our shoulders. It's time to get them down and let them go. 

Find your true goal

In this webinar I am going to help you identify YOUR true goal and start making the first step towards it.

You deserve the best

You are not your wounds, you are not broken. There are parts of you who need to be heard and treated and this webinar is going to help you with that.

Feel eliberated

At the end of this webinar, I promise you will feel amazing, because you deserve it.

About Your Coach

Hi, I'm Cornelia. 

 I am a Transformational Money Mindset Coach, helping people all over the world to take back control of their money, heal their wounds around money, and starting a fresh and beautiful relationship with it.

I am a proud mother of 4, experiencing life to the fullest and enjoying every quiet moment every now and then.

Sign up below and receive all the info ASAP!

Join me for a powerful webinar 

Tuesday, July 4th, 2023

