Today I’ll talk to you about having a lot of actual tasks to do.
You don’t have a problem with those tasks you are already used to. The real problem comes when you deal with brand you tasks, because you have no idea how to do it, because, hey, you haven’t done it before, right?
So how is this overwhelm really work?
You start to feel tired, nervous, anxious. You are spinning in your head and at the end of the day you didn’t do much in your business. The next day the stress builds up. Especially if you have a deadline and you promised people you’ll deliver something to them.
Can you lower down the volume of these feelings and start taking action so you can make more money in your business? Of course!
Actually, I did the same process on myself.
Picture this: It’s the end of the day, you have one more thing on your to do list and you are done for the day! How are you feeling?
Isn’t awesome to feel great, accomplished, even brilliant? You feel like the king/queen of the world. You did it!
This is how I want you to feel! You deserve it! And you robe people from your expertise if you are not doing the work you were born to do on this world, right?
I want to invite you to join me in a process where we take that overwhelm feeling and we turn it into a more joyful brilliant feeling so you can be in your power to create wonderful things in the world.